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Read Psalm 125

A song of ascents.

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion,
    which cannot be shaken but endures forever.
As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
    so the Lord surrounds his people
    both now and forevermore.

The scepter of the wicked will not remain
    over the land allotted to the righteous,
for then the righteous might use
    their hands to do evil.

Lord, do good to those who are good,
    to those who are upright in heart.
But those who turn to crooked ways
    the Lord will banish with the evildoers.

Peace be on Israel.

Go Deeper

For most of us, the consistent uncertainty of the world feels unlike any other time in our lives. It can feel like the only thing that is predictable is the unpredictability of the world around us. This has led to record high cases of anxiety and depression. Whenever we feel unsettled or insecure, Psalm 125 is a good reminder of how big and dependable our God is.  

If you have ever spent time near the Rocky Mountains (or any other mountain range), you know how majestic they are up close. The psalmist tells us that when we put our trust in the Lord, we become strong, steady, and faithful like a mountain. We cannot be moved because we trust in the One True God who cannot be moved. Because we rely upon an omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent God, we can have confidence that He surrounds us, constantly ready to provide protection (Psalm 34:19), guidance (Proverbs 3:5-6), and His Presence (Matthew 28:20).  

A scepter is a symbol of an earthly sovereign. The Israelites had been promised the holy land as their inheritance. In verse 3, the psalmist is reminding the Israelites that their inheritance will not always be controlled by the wicked and will be kept safe from the potential sin of those who purport to be righteous. Our inheritance is controlled and given by the Lord. Psalm 16:5 says, “Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.” 

We may sometimes get discouraged because it seems that the wicked are “running the show” and getting ahead, but here the psalmist reminds us that the wicked will not always have their way, and the righteous will receive their promised inheritance from the Lord. 1 Peter 1:3-5 communicates the same promise “…He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.”  


  1. Do you struggle with worrying about the future? Why (or why not)?
  2. Do you really believe that what the Lord has in store for us who believe in Christ will “never perish, spoil, or fade” and is being “kept in heaven for you?”
  3. Remind yourself that the Bible, as God’s Word, is either true and trustworthy or it is false. If you believe that it’s true, what comforts can you find from today’s reading? 

A Quote

“The saints abide forever, but their troubles do not.”  

Charles Spurgeon

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2 thoughts on “Psalm 125”

  1. It’s a moment by moment choice we must make in this chaotic world to choose to trust in the Lord. As we are constantly bombarded with evil on every side, we must never let it drown out the voice of truth that is eternal. We have stability, protection, and peace through Christ that is unshakable! Let’s view every challenge as an invitation to be drawn into His presence. “We demolish arguments and every high minded thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

  2. Sometimes it amazes me, how this story, written so long ago, can ring true in today’s world. But it does. The parallels are the same and it’s proof that humanity has always been this way.
    I find strength in knowing His promises are greater and His love endures forever.

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