Rest Day

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Rest Day

Today is a Rest Day. There is no new Bible reading to do. Today, the goal is simple: rest in the presence of God. Maybe you need to use today to get caught up on the reading plan if you’re behind, maybe you want to journal what you’re learning so you don’t forget what God is teaching you, or maybe you want to spend time in concentrated prayer–do that. Above all, just spend time in God’s presence.

Reflect on This

There is so much to reflect on in the book of Ephesians. We could have devoted six weeks to studying it instead of just six days! As you reflect back on the last few chapters, think through the following reflection questions: 

1. What surprised you about the scripture you read this week?

2. What have you learned about the nature of God through the scripture you read this week?

3. What have you learned about the nature of man through the scripture you read this week?

4. What are the Gospel implications for us because of the scripture you read this week?

Worship with Us

Join us at 9a, 11a, or 7p in person or online at We’d love to worship with you! We also desire to connect everyone with a local church body where they can thrive in community and use their gifts to serve. If you’re following our Bible Reading Plan from outside of Waco and are eager to get connected with a great local church, email us at

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1 thought on “Rest Day”

  1. We decided to join in person service today instead of attending online. And I’m so thankful God led us to do so! Today, our daughter had an incredible encounter with God. After coming home from Mountaintop, she had a flood of information to get out. When she referenced the message today and said “it’s like what Pastor said, we have to KNOW the TRUTH and pray always. It’s like God just rushed me and showed me who I can be if I combat the enemy with His word.” See, she’s been having some significant identity issues lately. Her worth has been coming under serious attack. My husband and I continue to affirm who she is in Christ, but it wasn’t resonating. But today was her day. A day God set apart for her to know Him for herself! I’m simply in awe of God’s sovereignty and His ability to illuminate our hearts and our minds through the power of His word! We are excited to be on this journey with you all and thankful for a community of believers are following closely after the heart of the Father!

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