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Read Job 37

37 “At this my heart pounds
    and leaps from its place.
Listen! Listen to the roar of his voice,
    to the rumbling that comes from his mouth.
He unleashes his lightning beneath the whole heaven
    and sends it to the ends of the earth.
After that comes the sound of his roar;
    he thunders with his majestic voice.
When his voice resounds,
    he holds nothing back.
God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways;
    he does great things beyond our understanding.
He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’
    and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’
So that everyone he has made may know his work,
    he stops all people from their labor.
The animals take cover;
    they remain in their dens.
The tempest comes out from its chamber,
    the cold from the driving winds.
10 The breath of God produces ice,
    and the broad waters become frozen.
11 He loads the clouds with moisture;
    he scatters his lightning through them.
12 At his direction they swirl around
    over the face of the whole earth
    to do whatever he commands them.
13 He brings the clouds to punish people,
    or to water his earth and show his love.

14 “Listen to this, Job;
    stop and consider God’s wonders.
15 Do you know how God controls the clouds
    and makes his lightning flash?
16 Do you know how the clouds hang poised,
    those wonders of him who has perfect knowledge?
17 You who swelter in your clothes
    when the land lies hushed under the south wind,
18 can you join him in spreading out the skies,
    hard as a mirror of cast bronze?

19 “Tell us what we should say to him;
    we cannot draw up our case because of our darkness.
20 Should he be told that I want to speak?
    Would anyone ask to be swallowed up?
21 Now no one can look at the sun,
    bright as it is in the skies
    after the wind has swept them clean.
22 Out of the north he comes in golden splendor;
    God comes in awesome majesty.
23 The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power;
    in his justice and great righteousness, he does not oppress.
24 Therefore, people revere him,
    for does he not have regard for all the wise in heart?”

Go Deeper

Often in life, we view ourselves as the main character in every story. If not every story, we definitely at the very least view ourselves as the main character in our own story. We do what we want to do; we orientate our lives around our individual passions, goals, and dreams. If someone cuts us off while driving, we are quickly prone to frustration at what an inconvenience that was for us, without maybe ever considering that the other driver may have been in a rush or in an emergency. We are often more concerned with what other people can give us rather than what we can give other people. Ultimately, we are self-serving in our fleshly nature.

However, when we follow Jesus we are pledging allegiance to a whole new way of life. God becomes the main character in our story, and we revolve our lives around His purposes, His authority, His desires, and His will for our lives. This authority that God possesses as our Creator and Lord is displayed so majestically all throughout the book of Job. Specifically in Job 37 we see that His authority and purposes will never make total sense to us. He is a holy and sovereign God, who knows what is best far more than what we might think is best. Verse 5 says that, “He does great things that we cannot comprehend.” It goes on to describe storms that the Lord commands and allows to fall on the Earth. 

All of creation bows at His directives. He is not just the main character in our story, but He is the main character over all of creation. The clouds, the moon, the sun, are all under His control, and so are we. In many ways the storm that Elihu describes is a picture of the destruction, trials, and chaos we all experience on this side of eternity. For the audience of Job, it was also a physical reminder that even if snow falls, and they can no longer farm and work, that God will continue to provide and be faithful in the midst of both physical and spiritual hardship. He will continue to do whatever He discerns will bring Him the most glory, and we get to submit under His loving authority. He will accomplish everything He intends to accomplish on Earth for no purposes of His can be thwarted. His directives can flow from love or correction, but it’s ultimately all for His glory and our good, even when we cannot understand His wondrous works.

Thus, this chapter serves as a compelling reminder to trust God in the midst of the storms, and trust that He always remains in control of every detail, for there is nothing we experience here on Earth that hasn’t passed through the sovereignty of God’s hand. Therefore, not only can we trust Him, but verses 23-24 tell us that we also ought to fear Him and worship Him in response to His majesty, power, and righteousness.


  1. What’s something in your life that currently feels out of control (ie. unemployment, loss/heartbreak, prodigal child, singleness, infertility, college admissions, etc.)? Spend some time praying that the Lord would help you trust that He is in control of what feels out of control to you.
  2. What is your favorite part of creation (ie. snowfall, sunsets, oceans, lakes, trees, stars, etc.)? Spend some time worshipping God in prayer for what He has created, and ask Him to increase your affection for Him whenever you are out among His creation.
  3. Read Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Do you believe that even in hard seasons, when you can’t comprehend what God is doing, that He is working all things together for your good?

A Quote

“When the Lord seals up a man’s hand, he is unable to perform his labor. The Lord has an object in this, namely, ‘that, all men may know his work.’ When they cannot do their own work, they are intended to observe the works of God.” — Charles Spurgeon

Help Us Brainstorm

We are trying to figure out what would make the BRP’s Rest Day (Sunday) entries more helpful and engaging. Maybe it’s a video, a podcast, a personal reflection…the options are endless!

Do you have an idea? If so, e-mail us at Thanks for helping us think!

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2 thoughts on “Job 37”

  1. All storms are amazing to watch as they roll in, it is so majestic the beauty but in the midst of the storm is a little different. I still think the sounds and images are an awesome Godly wonderful experience. 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. But as we face trials and sufferings as Paul also writes in 2 Timothy 1 ;12 I know whom I believed am positively persuaded that He is able to keep guard and keep that which has been entrusted to me and which I have committed to Him until that day.

  2. Right now I’m listening to a powerful north wind drive a cold front into our area. The timing of reading v9 “The stormy wind comes from its chamber, and the driving wind brings the cold,” is a bit ironic. Elihu points to God’s sovereignty displayed in nature through the thunder, lightning, snow, rain, wind, & ice, all things we’ve experienced. God sovereignly directs and maintains his creation. We can totally trust Him to govern our affairs as well. The hymn “How Great Thou Art” seems an appropriate response today.

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