
Rest Day 1
Rest Day Today is a Rest Day. There is no new Bible reading to do. Today, the goal is simple: rest in the presence of

Romans 7
Read Romans 7 Do you not know, brothers and sisters—for I am speaking to those who know the law—that the law has authority over someone

Rest Day 2
Rest Day Today is a Rest Day. There is no new Bible reading to do. Today, the goal is simple: rest in the presence of

Rest Day 3
Rest Day Today is a Rest Day. There is no new Bible reading to do. Today, the goal is simple: rest in the presence of

Romans 1
Romans Preview This letter to the church in Rome is one of the most theologically rich books in all of the Bible. Before we dive

Romans 2
Read Romans 2 God’s Righteous JudgmentYou, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you

Romans 3
Read Romans 3 What advantage, then, is there in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision? 2 Much in every way! First

Romans 4
Read Romans 4 What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, discovered in this matter? 2 If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works,

Romans 5
Read Romans 5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we

Romans 6
Read Romans 6 What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We are those

Rest Day
Rest Day Today is a Rest Day. There is no new Bible reading to do. Today, the goal is simple: rest in the presence of

Romans 7
Read Romans 7 Do you not know, brothers and sisters—for I am speaking to those who know the law—that the law has authority over someone

Romans 8
Read Romans 8 Life Through the Spirit1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus

Romans 9
Read Romans 9 Paul’s Anguish Over Israel1 I speak the truth in Christ—I am not lying, my conscience confirms it through the Holy Spirit— 2

Romans 10
Read Romans 10 1 Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved. 2 For

Romans 11
Editor’s Note We had a technical error that resulted in Romans 10 being emailed out later than the normal publishing time. If you missed yesterday’s

Romans 12
Read Romans 12 A Living Sacrifice1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living

Rest Day
Rest Day Today is a Rest Day. There is no new Bible reading to do. Today, the goal is simple: rest in the presence of

Romans 13
Read Romans 13 Submission to Governing Authorities1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has

Romans 14
Read Romans 14 The Weak and the Strong 1 Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters. 2 One person’s faith allows them to

Romans 15
Read Romans 15 1 We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. 2 Each of us should please

Romans 16
Read Romans 16 Personal Greetings 1 I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae. 2 I ask you to receive her in